The order of the authors is alphabetical in all publications but those indicated by a star *
Publications in refereed journals
Hernández, B., Dyer, A.H., Finucane, C., Nipoti, B., Romero-Ortuno, R., Reilly, R. & Kenny, R.A. (2024) *
The Impact of Type 2 Diabetes on Peripheral and Cerebral Haemodynamic Responses to Active Stand
Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 79(5), p.glae073.Schiavon, L., Canale, A. & Nipoti, B. (2024) *
Accelerated structured matrix factorization
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, pp.1-11 (ArXiv)Canale, A., Lijoi A., Nipoti, B. & Pruenster, I. (2023)
Inner spike and slab Bayesian nonparametric models
Econometrics and Statistics (Part B: Statistics), 27, 120-135 (ArXiv)Bissiri, P.G., Cleanthous, G., Emery, X.M., Nipoti, B. & Porcu, E. (2022)
Nonparametric Bayesian modelling of longitudinally integrated covariance functions on spheres
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 176, 107555Canale, A., Corradin, R. & Nipoti, B. (2022)
Importance conditional sampler for Pitman-Yor mixtures
Statistics and Computing, 32(40), 1-18 (ArXiv)Corradin, R., Nieto-Barajas, L.E. & Nipoti, B. (2022)
Optimal stratification of survival data via Bayesian nonparametric mixtures
Econometrics and Statistics (Part B: Statistics), 22, 17-39 (ArXiv)Corradin, R., Canale, A. & Nipoti, B. (2021) *
BNPmix: an R package for Bayesian nonparametric modelling via Pitman-Yor mixtures
Journal of Statistical Software, 100(15), 1-33 (R package)Arbel, J., Corradin, R. & Nipoti, B. (2021)
Dirichlet process mixtures under affine transformations of the data
Computational Statistics, 36(1), 577-601 (ArXiv)Arbel, J., Marchal, O. & Nipoti, B. (2020)
On the Hurwitz zeta function with an application to the beta-exponential distribution
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 89. (pdf, ArXiv)Nipoti, B., Jara, A. & Guindani, M. (2018) *
A Bayesian semiparametric partially PH model for clustered time-to-event data
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 45, 1016-1035. (pdf 1,pdf 2)Nipoti, B & Shen, W. (2018)
Contributed comment on Wade and Ghahramani's article
Bayesian Analysis, 13(2), 613-615.Canale, A., Lijoi, A., Nipoti, B. & Pruenster, I. (2017)
On the Pitman-Yor process with spike and slab base measure
Biometrika, 104(3), 681-697. (pdf)Arbel, J., Favaro, S., Nipoti, B. & Teh, Y.W. (2017)
Bayesian nonparametric inference for discovery probabilities: credible intervals and large sample asymptotics
Statistica Sinica, 27(2), 839-858. (ArXiv)Favaro, S., Lijoi, A., Nava, C., Nipoti, B., Pruenster, I. & Teh, Y.W. (2016)
On the stick-breaking representation for homogeneous NRMIs
Bayesian Analysis, 11(3), 697-724.Favaro, S., Nipoti, B. & Teh, Y.W. (2016)
Rediscovery of Good-Turing estimators via Bayesian nonparametrics
Biometrics, 72, 136-145. (ArXiv)Arbel, J., Lijoi, A. & Nipoti, B. (2016)
Full Bayesian inference with hazard mixture models
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 93, 359-372. (ArXiv)Favaro, S. Nipoti, B. & Teh, Y.W. (2015)
Random variate generation for Laguerre-type exponentially tilted α-stable distributions
Electronic Journal of Statistics, 9, 1230-1242.Favaro, S., Lomeli, M., Nipoti, B. & Teh, Y.W. (2014)
On the stick-breaking representation of σ-stable Poisson-Kingman models
Electronic Journal of Statistics, 8, 1063-1085.Favaro, S. & Nipoti, B. (2014)
Discussion of "On simulation and properties of the stable law" by L. Devroy and L. James"
Statistical Methods & Applications, 23(3), 365-369.Cesari, O., Favaro, S. & Nipoti, B. (2014)
Posterior analysis of rare variants in Gibbs-type species sampling models
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 231, 79-98.Lijoi, A. & Nipoti, B. (2014)
A class of hazard rate mixtures for combining survival data from different experiments
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109, 802-814.Lijoi, A., Nipoti, B. & Pruenster, I. (2014)
Bayesian inference with dependent normalized completely random measures
Bernoulli, 20(3), 1260-1291. (ArXiv)Lijoi, A., Nipoti, B. & Pruenster, I. (2014)
Dependent mixture models: clustering and borrowing information
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 71, 417-433.Arbel, J. & Nipoti, B. (2013)
Discussion on Müller and Mitra's "Bayesian Nonparametric Inference - Why and How"
Bayesian Analysis, 8, 326-328.Ricca, R.L. & Nipoti, B. (2011) *
Gauss' linking number revisited
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 20, 1325-1343.
Books and chapters in books
Arbel, J., Lijoi, A. & Nipoti, B. (2015)
Bayesian Survival Model based on Moment Characterization
In Proceedings of Baysm 2014. Springer proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 126, 3-14. (ArXiv)Nipoti, B. (2012)
Dependent Completely Random Measures and Statistical Applications
Best Ph.D. thesis in statistics and applications. CLEUP.Ricca, R.L. & Nipoti, B. (2011) *
Derivation and Interpretation of the Gauss Linking Number
In Introductory Lectures on Knot Theory (KauffmanL.H., Lambropoulou S., Jablan S., Przytycki J.H., eds), 428-501, Series on Knots and Everything, World Scientific Press.
Other publications
Barile, F., Lunagomez, S. & Nipoti, B. (2024)
Clustereing multiple networks data with an application to the EU food trade market
Proceedings of 2024 Conference of the Italian Statistical Society. To appear.D'Angelo, L., Ongaro, A., & Nipoti, B. (2024)
Two-level clustering of patients and hospitals via thinned dependent Dirichlet process mixtures
Proceedings of 2024 Conference of the Italian Statistical Society. To appear.Corradin, R., Nieto-Barajas, L. & Nipoti, B. (2020)
Pitman-Yor mixtures for survival data stratification.
Proceedings of 2020 Conference of the Italian Statistical Society.Canale, A., Corradin, R. & Nipoti, B. (2019)
Galaxy color distribution estimation via dependent nonparametric mixtures
Proceedings of 2019 Conference of the Italian Statistical Society. (pdf)Arbel, J., Favaro, S., Nipoti, B. & Teh, Y.W. (2016)
On Bayesian nonparametric inference for discovery probabilities
Proceedings of the 49th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society.Arbel, J., Favaro, S., Nipoti, B. & Teh, Y.W. (2016)
Discovery Probabilities when Uncertainty Matters.
48e Journées de la Statistique de la SFdS.Lijoi, A., Nipoti, B. & Pruenster, I. (2015)
A Bayesian nonparametric model for clustering and borrowing information
Proceedings of 10th scientific Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group.Favaro, S., Nipoti, B. & Teh, Y.W. (2015)
On a class of smoothed Good-Turing estimators
Proceedings of the SIS2015 Statistical Conference.Favaro, S. & Nipoti, B. (2014)
Uncertainty quantification for Bayesian nonparametric estimators of rare species variety
Proceedings of the 47th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society.Lijoi, A., Nipoti, B. & Pruenster, I. (2014)
A Bayesian nonparametric model for combining data from different experiments
Proceedings of the 47th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society.Favaro, S., Lomeli, M., Nipoti, B. & Teh, Y.W. (2013)
Stick-breaking representations of 1/2-stable Poisson-Kingman models
Proceedings S.Co 2013.Lijoi, A. & Nipoti, B. (2012)
Two classes of bivariate distributions on the unit square (pdf)
Technical report - Carlo Alberto Notebooks.
BNPmix (R package, CRAN link). Corradin, R. [aut,cre], Canale, A. [ctb] & Nipoti, B. [ctb] (2019)
In preparation or submitted
Modelling the distribution of bugs across software releases via dependent neutral-to-the-right priors (with F. Donaghy, A. Lijoi and S. Wilson, in preparation)
On the support of nonparametric mixture models for survival data (with A. Jara, in preparation)
Full Bayesian inference with dependent normalized completely random measures (with F. Camerlenghi, A. Lijoi and I. Pruenster, in preparation)
Bayesian functional mixture modelling to uncover distinct neurocardiovascular profiles in older Irish adults (with B. Hernandez, R.A. Kenny, R.B. Reilly, in preparation)