ST2004 - Applied Probability I
ST2004 - Applied Probability I
Module Code: ST2004
Module Title: Applied Probability I (module descriptor)
Credit Value: 5
Cohorts: MSISS, CSL(JS)
Week range: 03-08, 10-14
Semester: S1 (Michaelmas)
Total hours: 33 (28 classes + 5 labs)
Textbook: Tijms, "Understanding Probability" (pages indicated below refer to 3rd edition).
Additional material will be provided when needed.
The class of Monday 10/09/18 is cancelled, the course will start on Tuesday 11/09/18
Monday, 9 am - 10 am, Lab ICT 1 (weeks 3-8), LB107 (weeks 10-14)
Tuesday, 5 pm - 6 pm, LB08
Wednesday, 3 pm - 4 pm, LB04
Syllabus (lecture by lecture):